I Discovered SNS Nail Powder & Love It!


Hey there my loves! How is everyone doing? I’m feeling pretty good. Today was a holiday in the US and y’all know it’s ALWAYS great to be off on a Monday. 😉 In keeping with my “hello, I’m back” theme from last week, I wanted to publish something official this week.

So for my first comeback post, I figured I’d write something for all my lovely ladies. A topic that’s super fun and girly and I know many of you are into. MANICURES!  Yasss!

Okay here’s the backstory to why I chose this as my first… As I mentioned in last week’s “Hello, I Think I’m back” post, last October I finally went to my dream place – ITALY! 💚 My cousin and I spent 10 glorious days traveling through the most magnificent cities. Anyway, I wanted my nails to be on point and I hadn’t really been getting them done before the trip. So I figured I’d get long acrylic tips so that they’d last carrying our luggage around. Plus this trip DID require beautifully done nails!

The day of my trip, I hit the nail salon. I picked a beautiful, bright orange color from the selection book that went perfectly with my skin tone. I sit down not yet realizing that I hadn’t chosen an actual bottle – i.e.: Essie polish. LOL! So Jason (nail technician) begins applying the tips, cuts them to my desired length, files, etc. etc. etc. Then he busts out the color in a jar! Ayeee! What?!? At that moment you guys, I discovered the SNS DIPPING NAIL POWDER! Siiiiii! Omg at first I was like WTF is that?? HA! Where have I been all this time? How did I NOT know about this fabulousness? Jason laughed and said “it’s the powder” and proceeded to explain how it was better than regular polish and would last longer. And needless to say, I was instantly HOOKED!!




I’m sure many of you have known about this wonderfulness for a while now, but I promise you that I had NO idea! This is because I usually do my own manicures. I’ve even written a couple of posts about this. But this! I fell in love with the whole process. It relaxes me. Watching how it’s done and the end result is always so lovely. I guess I don’t have to tell y’all that I’ve been getting “the powder” ever since October. When I tell you guys that I’m HOOKED! I cannot stop! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Peep the Nails! Gelato in San Gimignano, Florence, Italy
Gelato in Milan, Italy


Do y’all see that lovely, bright shade of orange? My nails lasted through the entire trip! It also took me a day or two to get used to the nail length. LOL!

I’m so in love and hooked on this that I wanted to share some of the colors I’ve gotten since October because some of you are not yet following my blog’s Instagram account *sighs* (umm… @crisanna6). Also, if you know me personally or have been following my blog/social media, you know how much I love rich and bright colors so here goes:

*Note: I removed the acrylic tips after I got back from Italy and the following are my own nails.




I got this GREEN in late January and it was perfect for those cold winter days. It even matched the green stone ring that I bought in Milan. 😍




Once I learned that it was okay to go with two different colors, of course I wanted to experiment. In early March I decided to ramp it up and go with this BURGUNDY with mirrored GLITTER. 🥰



At the end of March I discovered BLING! Ayee… what a moment LOL! So I went with this pale PINK since spring was upon us and this one looked so lovely and dainty! Also notice that I started keeping the nails shorter because I kept banging them which caused them to crack sooner than they were supposed to.



In May, I wanted something bright to get excited about almost summer so I went with this bright LIME GREEN with silver SPARKLES! Another hit. 💚

By then, I was hooked on doing something different on the ring finger and my technicians are always ready to have me try all the new stuff that they have. It’s like a girly adventure and I have yet to be disappointed by the results. Take a look at these:



My other technician – Christy, had me try this new design since I love the color yellow.  So at the end of May I got the POLKA DOT look and it was a hit. People kept asking me how I did them…



Summer had me in the whole PASTEL look and I’d gotten light colors a couple of times, but this pale PEACH was by far my favorite. 🧡



In July I went with pastel BLUE. I had gotten a beautiful dark blue back in November but forgot to take a picture. Anyway, I wanted to do something a bit more different and I asked Jason to do two nails with glitter instead of one and this was the result. 💙




For my birthday on August 6th *hint hint* … I decide to go with my favorite color – YELLOW and add some pizzazz with a gold, yellowish glitter. I absolutely loved these. Also, peep that by August I’m leaving my nails a bit longer because I’ve finally gotten used to them. LOL! 💛 Umm… did you guys catch my extra cool accessories?

Now this next one is a video so you all can see how cool this was. Back in early February, Jason suggested this changeable color. They had just gotten it and I was like what the heck, why not? Click play to see:



How COOL is this?! So the color is gold glitter at room temperature but when you go outside in the cold or run your hands under cold water, it turns completely into RED GLITTER. Below you can see the gold in warm temperatures:



You can see how they were almost completely turning back to gold after having been in red mode. This color was super fun!



And here we have my current situation… I’m usually not a fan of the purples because I feel that some do not compliment my skin tone, but this LAVENDER with lavender glitter is beyond lovely! I love it so much. I got these last Sunday and I adore them. 💜

Okay so yeah, I’ve been on a nail adventure since October and having lots of fun picking cool and different colors.

For those who haven’t tried the SNS Nail Powder, the process is pretty simple. They prep your nails, apply the powder in three dips, file and buff the color, apply sealant then two top coats for shine. It takes about 20 minutes.

Removing them is the real pain in the ass since you have to soak your nails for about 20 minutes. Sometimes you have to re-soak. Which means you should bring something to entertain yourself while this is happening. I usually just listen to my music.



So there you have it my lovelies… I’ve been having lots of fun with my nails the past 11 months and I’m going to keep having fun. I know that at some point I’ll have to give my nails a breather and I will. I mean these are my own nails and when the color is removed, they are pretty strong. Plus I started taking natural vitamins for beautiful hair, skin and nails and those are helping some.

Alrighty then… Do y’all remember the drill? Comment below and let me know if you’re also addicted to this SNS Nail Powder. If you haven’t tried it, has this post enticed you to try it? If you’re a fan, what are the colors you lean towards? Feel free to post your nail photos in the comments. How do you entertain yourself during the soaking process? I have questions. Join in on the fun and let’s share. I look forward to your feedback. Let’s chat! Go! #engage


Don’t forget to click on the “widgets” section up top to follow my blog on WordPress or via email and to follow me on social media. Thank you!



AnnaCris 💛



Hello. I Think I’m Back!


My darlings! OMG, it’s been a long while since we met here hasn’t it? One year and five months to be exact. Sheesh! I totally slacked on everything that I had going on and I’m super sad about the amount of time that I’ve let pass me by. ☹

The honest truth (and it’s no excuse), is that life got in the way. My last post back in March of 2018 was about me struggling through another bout of depression, and how I hoped that I had gotten through. I did for a while and the remaining eight months of 2018 were wonderful. I basically just tried to enjoy myself in every way I could. I even fulfilled my life-long dream of traveling to Italy last October (this will be a separate post) and it was beyond amazing. I cannot WAIT to share that experience with you guys. Sadly though, as soon as 2019 began, the depression sunk its claws in again and I’ve been struggling in and out of it ever since. 😮

I had a couple of rough months earlier in the year, but I’m happy to say that I feel myself slowly getting back to normal. With the help of friends especially one who I will simply call “SK,” who’s been pushing me and encouraging me to get my shit together, I’m pulling myself out of this hole and getting back into the swing of things like my beloved blog which I’ve completely neglected. I’m excited to get back into all the projects and goals that I had planned and still want to accomplish. I’m excited about sharing these with you guys and hope that you will continue to support and cheer me on.  So stay tuned for new and fun things coming at ya! 😊


Hello, I'm Back

So basically this post is just a HELLO I’m back y’all, and I hope you haven’t forgotten me. LOL! Let’s get back it! ❤

Hit me up with a welcome back in the comments. 🙂 Go! #engage



AnnaCris ❤





I Lost My Spark But I’ve Found My Fire…


It’s been a while my darlings! One year and three months to be exact. Sheesh! :O

So how is everyone doing? We’ve got so much to catch up on and I honestly don’t even know where to begin, but all I know is that I somehow have to begin. Writing is such a pleasure for me, and for the past year I’ve been at a loss for words. It’s the same as when I try to sketch, that creative block is maddening. It’s been a helluva stump in so many ways but I’m determined to get out of it.

I figured I’d come back with a post related to what this blog is mostly about (fashion, beauty) but that would be so random and in a way, I just wanted to post a very fitting quote that describes how I’ve been feeling for the past 15 months. Maybe if I express my thoughts regarding the past year, I can finally move on to better things and get my groove back a la Stella yes? 😉 So here goes and please bear with me:


Boy did I lose that spark! Good lord it came out of nowhere you guys. One night in December of 2016 I was ecstatic because I had finally gotten my LLC approved and I had so many plans going forward. Then in early January 2017 my flame burned out. Poof! I couldn’t understand it. I think knowing that I finally became a business owner was both shocking and freakin’ scary AF! I felt it. It was like “what do I do now?” I had no clue. I’ve wanted this for so long and now that I had it, I had no idea what my next move was and so I fell down hard. I allowed the fear of not knowing paralyze me and that was so unlike me. I usually jump in. It may take me a while, but I jump in. Not this time though. So I did nothing! Nada! Zilch! It was exasperating. 😦

I also let things that were completely out of my control bring me down. Let’s be honest, the state of this country is bleak for some of us. I worry every day at where we’re going. I now pay more attention to certain issues that didn’t seem so hopeless in the past. Last year I became almost obsessed with staying up-to-date on everything that was happening, but that just drained me to exhaustion. I needed to stop before I made myself sick. So towards the end of last year, I made myself take breaks from social media and TV and little by little my outlook became a tad less bleak. Just a tad though. I still pay attention but when I feel myself getting down, I take breaks. I mean by the looks of things, some of us have a long road ahead of us. I’ve got more to say on this one but that can be a whole other post. 😉

The other thing was my physical health. Asthma showed its ugly face and it would not let me go. I try to keep it under control but stress induces it and boy was I stressed. I then stopped working out not only because of the asthma but because I just couldn’t be bothered. I began eating way too much junk food especially at night and so I was always feeling tired and my energy was super low. When I would get home, all I wanted to do was get into bed and do nothing. It seemed like I couldn’t ever get enough sleep and on weekends I slept for most of the day especially on Saturdays. 😦 The one thing I made sure I did on Sundays was head to the salon to get my hair done. LOL! Because y’all know the whole vanity thing. 😀

But the mild depression was real y’all. I knew it from the beginning. I’ve gone through depression at various stages in my life so I know the signs. I feel like once you go through it the first time, it stays inside you and it comes out many times when you least expect it. This is always the case with me. I can be as happy as can be, and one day it’s like POW it hits me out of the blue (no pun intended). The good thing is that I know when it hits me so I somehow know how to deal with it. This episode was long though. I mean a year is a long time. Granted I had great moments in 2017 as well. It wasn’t always that black cloud over my head type of feeling. I traveled a bit, I had one of the best vacations ever with one of my best friends. I was myself often enough like I still laughed and played pranks on my friends, I shopped, I listened to music, etc. The only thing was that my soul was sad. However, if I didn’t come right out and say it to anyone, nobody would have known to be honest. I wasn’t hiding it but I’m weird that way lol. In the midst of those blue days, I could also feel okay.

The thing about me is that I handle my depressive moods in my own way. I’d like to first say that if you are suffering from depression and you cannot get through it on your own, by all means please seek help. Whatever you think will make you feel better. Nobody should feel like they have to handle depression on their own. Thankfully, with the exception of one really extreme episode about six years ago and compared to what others go through, my depression is usually mild enough that I can get through it.

I usually try to air things out. I pick a friend or two that I can talk to about absolutely anything without any judgement on their part and I vent. I listen to music as much as possible and I read a lot. I read fun books though. I love mystery, whodunit stories the most. I make an effort to get out more. I love to walk just to think about things so I do that around my neighborhood mostly because there are some pretty spots (this is also exercise). I shop a little but I am budget conscious so I know my limits. I get my hair done every Sunday as I stated above and I try to travel at least once a year to some place fun with fun travel companions. A little bit of all of this usually gets me through my blues. This time it took a bit longer but in the end, it worked.

I am blessed with a wonderful mom and great friends. My tribe is quite small but they are absolutely everything. It’s a beautiful bond and they all know who they are. They listened, they made me laugh, we went places and enjoyed and little by little and with the start of this New Year, I felt my mood start to slowly lift. Whatever kept trying to hold me back is slowly disappearing. It’s very important to have genuine people in your life. People who will listen to your problems and will sincerely try to find a way to make your life better. Who give off good vibes and have positive energy and clean auras. I am so grateful to have that circle to turn to. I would say to you to please choose your tribe wisely and when you find them, cherish them. Great friendships make a huge difference in how you overcome some situations.


So I basically allowed fear, worry, exhaustion, sadness and yes sometimes laziness to keep me down for 365+ days of my life. Days that I could have been building my new business, blogging, doing my workouts and staying healthy, and I could have been enjoying this life that the good lord has blessed me with more often than not. Please believe that not a day went by during this time that I didn’t think of this. I’d constantly berate myself for not doing what I should be doing. That I didn’t ask myself WTF was going on with me and WHEN was I going to get my shit together. Not one day went by that I didn’t try to do something but I just couldn’t. It was like there was an invisible wall that I conjured up and that wall would not budge even though I pushed. But I kept pushing and I am knocking down that wall. This post is my first step in that direction. *high five* 🙂

In closing, I’d like to reiterate that if you’re going through depression be it mild or severe and you just cannot find your way through, please seek help. There are so many options available to you. It can be via therapy, support groups, staying in touch with family and friends, outdoor activities, exercising, meditation and yoga, keeping a journal, eating healthy, volunteering or doing things that make you happy, listen to music and dance, and last if you really need it, medication may help. These are only a few of the options but my point is that you should never feel like you cannot ask for help. There is strength in asking for help when you need it the most so please do it.


So I hope you guys remember the drill… Comment below and share your story. How do you cope through those hard times when you just can’t find any motivation to do anything? What do you do to cure your blues? How do you handle dealing with things that you know are out of your control but still affect you? What do you do to get past the fear of doing something so scary but you know if you do it, your life could change for the better? Share your story below. Maybe we can help someone whose soul is also sad right now to find the strength to get through it. All it takes is one person to change another person’s life.

I’m happy to be back my loves, and I pray that this is the beginning of doing what I’ve always wanted to do ;). *fingers crossed* … I fell hard in 2017 and I lost my entire spark, but I am back up and my soul is slowly lighting up with the whole damn fire. (y’all see what I did there? Haa!) I got this! I look forward to your feedback. Let’s chat. Go! #engage

Don’t forget to click on the “widgets” section up top to follow my blog on WordPress or via email and to follow me on social media. Thank you!


AnnaCris ❤

Why I Tried Warm Lemon Water & Turmeric Milk…


How goes it my darlings? I’m hoping everyone is doing great and that you all had a great Monday. I have to admit that I didn’t expect to be back this soon as I’m still feeling that writer’s block. I started to write last Wednesday, and I downloaded all the photos I needed for this post then I just stopped. I don’t know what’s up with me but I’m forcing myself right now to push through. Hopefully this funk will disappear soon.

Has everyone read my previous post “Hello Fall?” It was a cool one listing my favorite things about autumn. It’s my favorite season and although I am from the Dominican Republic and LOVE the beach, I adore fall. I adore it because I get to wear booties, hoodies and pretty scarves which are all my weaknesses ;). If you haven’t read the post yet, finish this one then go on over and check it out. Also, feel free to comment your favorites if they did not make the list.

So for the past several months I’ve been testing out a couple of healthy drinks that have been raved about on the internet streets. I’ve read many an article about the wonders of warm lemon water and turmeric milk – aka: golden milk. I decided why not test them out myself? Y’all know I’ve been dealing with exhaustion, plus I read that lemon water can help get your hormones back in check. The word is that turmeric helps with reducing inflammation including the sinuses and the lungs, and since I suffer from awful nasal polyps (I’ve had three surgeries to remove them) and from really bad asthma, maybe this could ease my symptoms naturally. So yes, I tried and tested both drinks to see what all the hoopla was about. With all that being said, here is what I discovered:





Lemons as you should all know by now, are rich in vitamin C so they can help you fight the common cold when you add them to your tea.  I for one cannot have tea without squeezing some fresh lemon juice into it. Plus let’s not forget how yummy lemonade is and when it’s made from scratch like my mommy makes it, it’s beyond delicious. Warm lemon water is known to raise your energy levels and boy do I need that. Anyway, it is said that lemons provide a whole bunch of health benefits. However, since I’m no expert, I’m not going to sit here and claim to know that all those benefits are true. I will discuss MY experience…




I started drinking warm lemon water (which I began documenting) on October 11, 2015. Back then I was feeling awful. I had stomach pains every day, I burped nonstop and I could barely eat. Plus I had insane anxiety and that feeling of butterflies in my tummy all the time. I had already research the lemon water craze and I figured why not try it. That morning of the 11th, I took the leap and I’m so happy I did.

Seven days after I started it my stomach was feeling better with hardly any pain and much less burping. Two weeks after, there was even more improvement and a month after, my stomach pains were completely gone, no burping, and that anxious feeling and butterflies in my tummy were gone. My energy, which was nowhere to be found, came back again and my skin got a nice glow. I was also able to eat like a normal human being again.

I drank this every morning for about five months and then I stopped. You know how you get tired of doing something every day so I took a break? Thankfully, my stomach remained pain free but my period got super crazy. Around March I got a really bad sinus and ear infection so my ENT specialist put me on a round of antibiotics and prednisone. I feel like these meds (the prednisone mostly) screwed up my system and my hormones. My period was ridiculous from March through July and I was going bananas. I remembered reading that warm lemon water could help settle your hormones so I started drinking it again and lo and behold, In August my period went back to normal and has been ever since.

So I’ve become a huge fan of this warm lemon water craze. For me it’s worked and since I’ve documented it, I can say that it was this drink that helped me through my pains and hormonal craziness. It may not have the same effect for you or anyone else who tries it but for me, it worked wonderfully.

I squeeze half a lemon into a mug of warm water every morning after brushing my teeth and before eating anything.





From my research, turmeric originated in Southeast Asia including India. It is said to have many medicinal and culinary purposes. It’s got a strong orange-yellowish color and it can be used either fresh or as a powder as shown in the above photo. There are so many articles out now describing all the medicinal purposes of this plant but again, I am no expert so I’m just going by the effects I’ve noticed when using turmeric.


After my third surgery to remove nasal polyps in May of 2015, I did extremely well. Although a few polyps came back throughout the months post-surgery, they were tiny and did not affect me as much. Although they were coming back, my ENT specialist was able to keep them at bay and if I got a sinus infection which I did several times, he’d prescribe prednisone to reduce them and that usually helped. I always got my sense of smell back (a very important issue for me) and I was able to breathe. My asthma was non-existent this whole time. I kept reading about turmeric and “golden milk” and how it was great for reducing sinus infections and inflammation in general. Plus I also read that it helped keep asthma at bay and cleared the lungs. I really did not want to keep taking antibiotics and prednisone so I figured I’d help my system along the natural way.

I started drinking the turmeric milk back in June of this year. Not on a daily basis like I did with the warm lemon water. I drank it two times per week before going to bed. Since I only did it twice a week, it took a while to see any real results but I do have to say that I slept like a baby each night I drank it and my skin just got even better. That was noticeable pretty quickly.

I’d say it took about three weeks into it for me to see real results with my sinuses and they were positive. I drank the golden milk on nights when I felt stuffy and I have to say three weeks into drinking the milk, I felt my sinuses clear up a bit. Not to an extreme but I was able to feel the difference. Unfortunately, I ran out of the turmeric so I haven’t drunk it since August. It’s a shame because in mid-August I was around someone who was smoking (the worst trigger for polyps and asthma for someone like me) literally right next to me, and it killed me. So much so that when my ENT specialist prescribed prednisone yet again, it did nothing to help and that’s a first. I’ve felt awful, stuffed up and with asthma out of control ever since. I need to pick up some turmeric soon because now is when I can really test it. In any case, I’ll share the recipe with you all…

I use the following recipe:

One cup of milk or organic coconut milk (I prefer regular whole milk)

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

1/4 teaspoon of ground pepper

1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil (if you’re not using coconut milk)

1 teaspoon of raw honey (to sweeten)

Pour milk in a pot and add all the ingredients minus the honey. Stir continuously until everything has blended then turn the stove on low. Continue to stir and when the milk is hot enough, add the teaspoon of honey. I like to let the milk come to a boil before turning it off. However, other recipes I’ve seen say to turn off once the milk is hot. It’s your choice. Whichever the case, let it cool off then drink. I think it’s yummy and the ground pepper gives it a bit of spicy kick.  😉

If nothing, with all the positive effects that is being said about turmeric, drink the milk for great skin, to boost your immune system or just because you want to drink something tasty before bed and will help you sleep soundly. I will order more turmeric powder and continue to test it so that I can really find out if it does indeed aid with reducing inflammation in the sinuses and all the other benefits described in articles. Once I’m back on the turmeric milk for a few months, I’ll write a follow-up post to describe my results. Deal? 🙂


… The End …

So there you go my loves. All in all I’ve had good experiences with both warm lemon water and turmeric milk. Like I said, I need a lil bit more time to continue to test the turmeric milk and see what else it can help with, but so far I’ve had positive results. I do have to say that my skin is even better than usual since I’ve been drinking both so that counts for a lot of somethings.

What do y’all think? Do you think you’ll try one or both? If so, what would you lean towards trying the warm lemon water or the turmeric milk and why? I’m thinking you all might go for the warm lemon water because the turmeric milk may sound a bit weird and unknown. Yes? Trust me, it does taste good and if you like spicy, this has that kick to it.

Alrighty, y’all remember the drill… comment below and let me know what you think. If you’ve tried either or both, let me know your results and your feedback. If you’re debating on trying either or both, did I at least sway you to give them a shot? Don’t be shy. Share your thoughts, opinions, results. Let’s compare. I mean were all trying to do anything that can keep us healthy these days, and both of these drinks seem to offer a lot of health benefits so why not try them? Okay loves, join the conversation. I look forward to your feedback on this one. Let’s chat. Go! #engage

Don’t forget to click on the “widgets” section up top to follow my blog on WordPress or via email and to follow me on social media. Thank You!🙂


AnnaCris ❤

Hello Fall…


OMG how are my darlings doing? It’s been over three months since I last posted, and I’ve been berating myself almost every day for so much slacking. Good lord! I really have NO excuse except that I couldn’t find any motivation to write. We can call it “writer’s block” or we can call it “laziness” whichever works for you. I’m guilty. LOL!

So how has everyone been? How did the summer treat you since I haven’t posted all season long? I have to say I did enjoy my summer. I hit the beach a few times and got a pretty bronzed sun tan which is always great. I took adventures and visited Atlanta, Boston and Miami. I celebrated another birthday (#teamleo) and although I slacked on the blog, I focused on establishing my blog’s brand on Instagram (y’all should go follow me – check out my widgets section for the link). So all in all, my summer was pretty fantastic. How was yours?

While I still feel a lil blocked, I really want to get back to blogging consistently and after going through my list of topics, I decided to get back into things with an ode to my favorite season – fall. Not about what’s trending (that will come at a later date) but just the things we who love this season look forward to. I think this topic is easy enough to ease me back into things. So let’s begin:








Hoodies are one of my absolute favorites. They’re so cozy and keep you warm on those chilly autumn days when you don’t necessarily need a jacket. They come in a bunch of different styles and there are some that are even a bit dressy so you can wear with heels. I’m in search of a sweater dress with a hood for this season so if y’all see one, please let me know. 😉






While we all love those lazy days of summer so we can lounge on the beach, I’m not crazy about heat and humidity. In New York City it gets to the point where you can barely breathe. This does not work for those like me who suffer from asthma and allergies. Therefore, I look forward to the fall months because while it’s not freezing cold, it’s cool enough to not suffocate. Plus you can bust out the jackets, the scarves and the booties. Yasss! ❤






Since the bomber jacket is on trend for fall, I figured I’d use a photo of one. However, there are lighter jackets that you can wear when it’s not too cold. The bomber jacket even has a variety of styles so you can pick the one that is best suited for the weather in your area. Light jackets are great to keep you warm when it’s a chilly evening and you can add a scarf for extra warmth.






Yumsies!! OMG my mommy makes the BEST hot chocolate in all the land. There are these bars of real chocolate that are from the Dominican Republic that make for the yummiest hot chocolate ever. My mom makes it from scratch. There’s none of that instant stuff for her. Ask anyone in my familia and they will tell you she is notorious for this. Hot chocolate is a wonderful, delicious alternative for coffee. There is nothing better than spending an evening under some cozy blankets, reading a great book or watching a movie, and drinking some hot chocolate. No?






You all should know my love for scarves by now. If you know me personally and if you’ve followed my blog, you know I’m a bit obsessed with colorful, pretty scarves. For fall, you can choose a lighter material since it’s still not so cold out. The infinity style or regular style both work. You can choose bright colors or earth toned colors to go with the season. I, of course, prefer the bright colors the whole year round. LOL.






While I’m not a huge fan of the pumpkin spice latte, I added it to the list because for the past several years it seems to be synonymous of fall. I have to admit that I’ve never had one so I shouldn’t judge. The reason I haven’t been inclined to try one is because I’m not a fan of pumpkin anything. However, I know many of you are so here it is. It’s something to look forward to. In fact, I believe Starbucks has already put in on its menu…






Can I get a high five for booties everywhere? OMG I adore them just as much as I adore boots! Booties are a fantastic alternative for boots during the months of September and October when it’s still not too cold. They can dress up your fall outfit beautifully. I love the thick-heeled booties the most because they add a certain kind of sexy and badass to whatever you’re wearing.






Wanna hear a cute/funny story? So some of the girls in my #squad and I started an apple picking tradition at a place in Warwick, New York. It’s a beautiful drive with all the leaves changing and it’s great to be around friends. Last year we get there and decided to throw a blanket on the grass, eat and drink some wine (It’s also a winery), and have conversations about everything. Anyway to make a long story short, we were so into our conversations, laughing, eating ice cream, and drinking wine that we totally missed the apple picking part. Haaaa! By the time we realized we wanted to do some picking, it was too late so we ended up buying baskets of apples. Bwahahaa… I can’t with us. This year we’ve planned it for early October and we made a promise to do the apple picking FIRST. So yeah, fall is great weather for picking apples. 😉




Women Mix No. 6 Ledy Wide Calf Wedge Boot Black - 341877


I couldn’t write this post without including my all time, super favorite fashion item… The boot! Boots are my weakness. I can’t even describe how much I adore them. For fall, a tall wedge like the boot above (I own this pair) is great. Anything that does not have fur or is too warm for your footsies since it’s not too cold out works great during September and early October. Riding boots are excellent for this weather as well.





The changing of the leaves is one of the most beautiful acts of nature. It’s one of the top five reasons why I love fall. Can you imagine a more beautiful site? This is so lovely that you’re just mesmerized. Central Park in New York City is just gorgeous during this time of year and if you live on a tree-lined street as I do, you can’t help but stop to admire and take a photo.

… The End …


So there you have it my loves. My favorite things associated with fall. I’m sure I’ve missed several others but these always stand out to me. If you love this season as much as I do, comment below and let me know what your favorites are. We can compare and discuss – what fun! So don’t be shy. I know it’s been a while but I love to engage with my readers so PLEASE share your thoughts.

Yay! I did it! I think my whole thing with blogging is I just have sit down in front of my laptop and start typing. Once I get into it, there is no stopping me. I feel like this was the perfect topic to get back into writing. I didn’t have to do much research just go with my favorites, find photos and viola… I’m hoping this has opened the motivation doors for consistency.

Anyway, you all should still know the drill… Comment below and let me know what you think of my choices. Is fall your favorite season too? If it’s not, tell us what is and why. This could make for a fun discussion and a little competition for what is the best season. I still vote for fall! 🙂 So share away. I’m looking forward to your feedback and since it’s been three months, let’s start a conversation to get my juices flowing. Deal? Okay let’s chat. Go! #engage

Don’t forget to click on the “widgets” section up top to follow my blog on WordPress or via email and to follow me on social media. Thank You! 🙂



AnnaCris ❤




Seven Favorite Styles… Sweaters!


What’s the haps mis amores (my loves)? LOL, I love saying this. I have a friend who always addresses me this way and it always makes me chuckle. So what’s new with everyone? I hope all my lil style icons are doing wonderful. Things are well with me. I’m feeling less exhausted this week. However, I’m still bummed about a project I thought for sure would come through but hasn’t. I haven’t lost hope yet so we shall see… 😉

Now that we’ve gotten the formalities outta the way, did everyone get a chance to read my last post “Five Favorite Styles… Winter Coats?” If you haven’t, you’ve missed a fun one. For me, it was pretty cool browsing around looking at lovely coats to add to the list. However, it was difficult picking just five. I mean let’s face it, how in the world can we just pick five out of so many beautiful styles, colors, textures, patterns… Good Lord! But I was determined to, and I feel that my five choices were on point for my type of style. I would love your take on them as well as your own picks so once you’ve finished reading this post, please go have a look and leave a comment.

So if you’ve followed my blog and/or you know me personally, it’s a well-known fact that I love fall/winter because of the clothes. Yes indeed! Given this and in keeping with the winter theme, I decided to discuss another love of mine… Sweaters! I adore their coziness, the way they keep you warm, some of them are so soft, the fact that you can layer them and that you can wear them for a casual look as well as dress them up for work or a night out. I combed the internet, well mostly Pinterest, to find the seven styles that I usually lean towards and I wanted to share. Check them out and see if your favorites are on this list:








The chunky sweater is one of the coziest styles. They’re thick and heavy and keep you so nice and warm. The above sweater is by one of my favorite designers Isabel Marant. The color is so lovely (y’all know my love for bright colors). This type of sweater can be layered with either a collared shirt (with the shirt collar popping out as well as the sleeves) or a thin turtleneck. It’s great for a casual day in jeans but also with slacks for work.




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This long sleeve t-shirt by Hollister is one of my top favorites. I have one in navy blue and I regret not getting more. The material is soooo soft and warm. Plus it molds to your body perfectly. With this style, it is easy to layer either with a tank top underneath or you can also get away with layering with a loose short sleeve t-shirt on top. This is more of a casual style so I always wear mine with jeans.






Ayyeee!! I really want this sweater though. The turtleneck has been around for ages. It comes and goes in the fashion world and currently, it’s back in. The above sweater is by Lands’ End and look how lovely it is. This style falls under the “chunky” turtlenecks which are one of my favorites because they’re so relaxed and keep you so warm. No need to layer with this sweater. I prefer to wear this style with jeans or slacks. There are also thinner versions of the turtleneck that can be worn for a dressier look. It’s really your choice.






The cardigan has also been around for quite a while and I feel like this style never really goes away. How pretty is this sweater by Maurices? The color is so delicate. The cardigan comes in different textures from thin fabric to a more thick/heavy type. Some come with buttons while others of late, come without and have a bit of a flair or ruffle effect in the front. The cardigan is very convenient even in the summer because you can wear it over a summer dress or a tank top/cami top if the evening gets a bit cool. Therefore, this style can be worn throughout the year and is great for a dressy or a casual look.






Hoodies! They are my favorite. When fall comes around, hoodies are one of the first articles of clothing that I bust out of my closet. I secretly wish that hoods were attached to almost every top I own LOL. Of course, the above is by Hollister and as is the long sleeve t-shirt, it’s soft and comfy. Hoodies are also more of a casual statement so go for it on the weekends or a casual Friday and pair them with jeans or a denim mini. 😉






Umm, WHY haven’t I seen this sweater at H&M? I love it! The style, the color, the texture… everything about it is so me. I feel a trip to H&M this week. 🙂 The cropped sweater is just too cute. However, this style is a bit tricky because of the shortness in length so just be mindful. I always layer mine with a fitted tank top underneath and if I feel a bit bloated because let’s face it, we all go through that time of the month, I’ll skip this and go with something else. Cropped tops/sweaters can be paired with jeans, slacks or a cute pencil skirt. They’re not necessarily casual. They look fabulous spiced up a bit and a bright color like the above is fantastic.




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The sweater dress is also a favorite of mine because… Yes! They’re super elegant and classy just make sure you choose the right length if you’re wearing one to work and any kind of business engagement. If you’re going out on the town with the squad or on a hot date, a lil bit shorter is perfectly fine. Sweater dresses look marvelous with heeled knee high boots. You can also liven up the outfit with a short coat or blazer and accessorize with a trio of layered long necklaces.

Visit Hello Fashion Blog to check out this look up close. I think it’s so lovely.


**All photos in this post were found on Pinterest.


…The End…


So there they are… My top favorite styles of sweaters for winter. As I said in my previous post, I prefer to give you all ideas and share my style as opposed to “telling” you all what you should wear. Style is a matter of individual taste and everybody is different. So go with whatever you feel most comfortable and confident with and you cannot go wrong.

Well then, y’all already know the drill… Join in the fun and comment your opinions below. What styles are your favorites and how do you wear them? Do you layer them or prefer a more fitted style? How do you spice up a sweater let’s say for work or a night out? Do you accessorize, wear a bright color or skip a sweater altogether? The questions are endless… So feel free to share your thoughts, photos, ideas. I’m all up for a discussion so let’s start a conversation. I look forward to your participation. Let’s chat. Go! #engage


AnnaCris ❤

Five Favorite Styles… Winter Coats!


How are my lovelies doing? I hope that life is treating all of you well. I’m doing okay except for that feeling of exhaustion that just refuses to go away. I’ve also been feeling a lil bummed over an adventure that I thought would come through but has not. However, I cannot let any of this beat me so here I am pushing through because I honestly love doing this. It truly brings me joy. 🙂

So… did everyone catch my last post “To End or Mend?” I know, I know it was a bit off course, but I like to add something different every once in a while. Basically, it was me wondering how it can be so easy for someone to just walk away from any type of relationship (friend, family, lover) without any type of communication or yes, confrontation if there was an issue that could have been corrected. How people would rather leave things be than talk things out, solve the problem and make the relationship stronger if that is possible. I know sometimes it’s not but if it is, wouldn’t you want to save said relationship? Anyways, if you haven’t checked out the post, please do so after reading this one and add your two cents. 😉

Alrighty then, let’s get to the less heavy stuff shall we? I figured I’d continue with the winter theme and decided to focus on winter coats. There are several different styles of coats so rather than “tell” you what to wear, I thought I’d share with you the five styles that are my favorites for these cold, winter months. So without further fanfare, let’s begin:




This is definitely a top favorite of mine. The pea coat is known for being short in length, made of heavy wool, double-breasted, with large buttons, vertical pockets and the classic color is navy blue. Nowadays, the pea coat can be found in a variety of colors and with slight alterations to the classic style. For example I have a gray coat by Calvin Klein that is double-breasted but also comes with a belt that you can tie in front for a more fitted look.

The pea coat can be worn with just about anything and for any occasion. I love to wear mine with fitted slacks/jeans or a dress/skirt, with a knee high boot or booties and accessorize with a pair of leather gloves and a pretty, colorful scarf.

* The above coat is by Victoria’s Secret.



How adorable is this coat by Lily & Co.? This is definitely my definition of a “pop” of color and not to mention that yellow IS my favorite. 😉 #MustGetThisCoat

The double-breasted coat has two columns of buttons instead of one column. One column of buttons is usually for decoration while the other is functional. It usually has wide, overlapping front flaps and has a classy and elegant look. This coat is longer in length than the pea coat so it’s great for those of us that love to wear skirts or dresses in the winter.

As I said, this coat is classy and elegant so it’s great for a night out and for work if you have to dress the part. I have a “winter white” coat by Victoria’s Secret that I love and I don’t usually wear unless I’m going out to a fancy shindig because I don’t want to get it dirty. You can also accessorize this coat with a pair of fancy leather gloves and pretty scarf peeking out from inside.



I think this cashmere wrap coat by Donna Karan New York is so lovely. The color is just fabulous. I wouldn’t mind owning this one either.

The wrap coat is like a bathrobe basically. It comes in a variety of lengths so you can choose what works for you. I love both long and short lengths depending on what I’m wearing. They are effortless since they have no buttons just a tie belt. Don’t panic though, this coat can still keep you super warm during those cold winter days. They are made of heavy wool so do not fret. Plus, aside from layering and accessorizing, just remember to tie the belt tightly, but fashionably around your waist.




Tell me the color of the above coat by Jil Sander isn’t just charming… I’m not even a “pink” person but I would definitely rock this coat.

The cocoon coat is one of the most versatile styles because it’s so roomy. This coat is perfect for every body type, it has room for layering (I LOVE to layer during the winter), and it’s perfect for any occasion whether it’s a dressy day or a casual one. Also, this style also comes in a variety of lengths so choose your preference. Wear with heels, flats or even a nice pair of sneakers. Of course, do not forget to accessorize.



My new love… I purchased this Sherpa Lined Puffer Jacket by Hollister last week and I am so in <3!! I wanted a change in my casual jackets and this is perfect. Not only was the jacket on sale, but it’s got Sherpa lining throughout the body. Even the hood is Sherpa lined so needless to say that it keeps me super warm and cozy.

The puffer coat/jacket is perfect for those freezing winter days. The puffy sections are filled with down insulation or synthetic fibers to provide much warmth. Another plus is that this jacket/coat is lightweight. The above puffer is so light and soft so it’s like I’m not wearing a jacket at all. This style is a bit on the fitted side so if you like to layer up like I do, get one size larger than your normal size for extra room.

Needless to say the puffer is the most casual of the five styles. However, this jacket/coat also comes in a variety of lengths so you can also dress up and wear the longer length. You can spice it up with a scarf and gloves and you’re good to go.

** All photos in this post were found on Pinterest.


So there you have it my darlings. These are my top five favorite styles of winter coats. This is not to say that I’m not into other styles as well. I mean, the military coat is pretty cool and the top coat also falls in the elegant category. It’s just a matter of taste which is why I chose to showcase my favorites rather than impose on you what you should wear. We’re all different in many aspects so like I always say, go with what works best for you.

Okay then, you all know the drill… Comment below and let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear what your favorite styles are and why. Do you prefer the more elegant look or is casual your go to style for warmth and comfort? How do you accessorize your outerwear? How many different coats do you own? LOL, now THAT is the question. I’m sure all my fashionistas own several. In any case, let’s discuss. Y’all know I love to converse so let’s do this. Share your opinions and if you have photos that you’d like to share, please feel free to do so below. Tell me about your favorite winter coat styles. I look forward to your feedback. Let’s chat. Go! #engage


AnnaCris ❤

To End or Mend…


Quote Of The Week:


This rarely happens though… Why?

When it comes to those we love, we can be so harsh and sometimes end up pushing those people away and losing them forever. Why?


People prefer to make assumptions.

They prefer to keep it moving, to stay quiet rather than talk things out.

The biggest mistake is ASSUMING and taking it to heart without confirming. Nobody knows what the other is thinking. It could be something completely different than your assumption, but here you are so sure that you’re right.

If someone offended or hurt you, they may not be aware. If you don’t tell them, how will they know?

What if in their eyes they did/said nothing to upset you? Would you rather leave things as is and just distance yourself with no explanation?

Such a shame! You don’t even know if the other side is open to talking. What ever happened to giving things and people a chance or to “innocent until proven guilty?”

“A simple talk can save millions of relationships.”

It’s as simple as that. Few make that effort though.

We’re all about keepin’ it movin’ these days.

We’re all about being so sure that WE are right.

We’re all about “I’m not going to say anything,” let them figure it out. Because we ALL have psychic powers… *queue sarcasm*

We’re all about not getting the facts and so quick to end rather than mend.

Such a shame!

There have been so many good relationships broken because we’d rather not communicate, talk things out and fix the problem.

And what about all the great times you had? Is it THAT easy to throw all of that away rather than being open to making things right again?

If the relationship and person is dear to your heart, wouldn’t you want to save it and keep that person in your life? That is the question…

So… Do you agree?

How do YOU handle difficult situations, fall-outs and/or misunderstandings? Do you confront (in a mature way, of course) or do you keep things in and let things build? Do you take the coward’s way out/easy way and walk away with no explanation never to be heard from again?

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been guilty of this many times. However, I’ve chosen in the past several months to change that and be more open. So far it’s done wonders. It’s a work in progress, but I’m willing to continue trying.

Communication is the key to any healthy relationship whether it’s a romantic one, a family member or a close friend. If you don’t communicate, how will this person that matters to you know what you’re feeling or thinking, whether they hurt or offended you, if you have a need that’s not being met? Without communication, there is nothing. Yet so many people choose not to. Why is that?

I found this quote on my Facebook photos and thought I’d start a “quote of the week” feature on my blog. I figured tonight is a good night to discuss this… I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Let’s chat. Go! #engage


AnnaCris ❤

The Warm & Fuzzies… Accessories


What’s going on my darlings? How is this third week of 2016 going for you all? I’m hoping that depending on your location that you are keeping warm because winter has definitely arrived. It is “brick” in New York City right now and snow is expected this weekend. I’ve been doing pretty well except for feeling so exhausted since last week. It was a draining week physically and mentally, but all for a good cause hopefully… 😉

So did everyone catch my last post “My Love For Chuck… Taylor… Converse?” It was a short one sort of reviewing my new Converse All Stars that I am totally in amor (<3) with! I went on the Converse website and customized my pair and am psyched with the end result. I give them two thumbs up! If you haven’t checked out that post and the sneakers, please do so after reading this one and let me know what you think.

Well then, in keeping with the “cold weather” theme, I figured I’d grace you all with my picks for winter accessories to keep us warm and toasty in this frigid weather while also looking stylish and chic. Y’all know my love for pretty scarves and cute socks but there’s certainly more where that came from so here you go:







Scarves are definitely a weakness of mine. I love the different textures, colors, patterns, etc. Scarves can be worn all year round as long as you choose the right material for the season. In this case, we’re going with the knitted version to keep us nice and warm. The above photo features the infinity scarf which is pretty handy and can be worn in different ways.





The wrap is an over-sized scarf that’s long and wide and will keep you super warm during these cold days of winter. This also can be worn in different ways and they usually come in beautiful patterns that you can match to your outfit or use it as the stand out piece of your ensemble. I have a pretty checkered red, black, white and gray one from Express that I love. The above scarf is by Zara.





Without a doubt, gloves are a must for this “brick” weather. I mean I even refuse to text anyone if I’m out in the freezing cold except if I have the above gloves. These are made to allow you to use your phone without removing your gloves. The thumb and pointer fingertips are covered with a special fabric that allows you to swipe your phone’s screen. I have a pair by Under Armour that I love. They are very useful especially for the tech at heart. The above pair is by American Eagle Outfitters.





Of course if you want to go a little bit more stylish, the leather glove is the way to go. They may not keep your hands/fingers completely warm but you’ll be looking super fabulous. I love the camel color above by H&M. I have a pair of dark brown faux-leather gloves that have a long knit extension that you can either fold over or extend it to your forearm for extra warmth.





My girls know just how much I LOVE cute boot socks. I always wear them with my knee high boots and have them peeking out of the top. I love all of them! It doesn’t matter the color, pattern, texture as long as I think they’re cute, I will buy them. I love the thick material because they also keep your feet and toesies warm in your boots. The long length allows you to do the “peek-a-boo” effect so that you can see a lil bit of the sock coming out of the top of your boot. I always find the cutest pairs at DSW.






I know, I know leg warmers were a thing in the 80s but trust me when I say that they’re back. Leg warmers are as cute as boot socks and can be worn in two ways. You can wear them under your boots for an extra layer of warmth or be a lil bit stylish and wear them over your boots as shown below. You can also wear them over your shoes if you’re skipping the boot. The point is, is that they’re cool and nowadays they come in very pretty styles like lace, with buttons, bows, colorful patterns, etc. etc. etc… Go ahead and try them. I have two pairs and this year I’m going to try wearing mine over my boots just because… 😉






I love the beanie because it’s just plain adorable and they keep your head and ears feeling cozy. You can go with the basic beanie as shown above by GAP or a more colorful one, one with a little puff up top, or one with ear flaps. I have a couple of them but if I’ve just gotten my hair done, I won’t wear a beanie because it flattens my hair. Instead I go with a….





The slouchy hat is sort of an “oblong” version of the beanie that adds a bit more style to your look. It is also less fitted thereby not “flattening” your hair. These also come in very pretty colors and patterns and are super warm as well.





How CUTE are these? The above are faux-fur by Anthropologie. While I’m not a fan of the earmuff because they just feel tight and give me a headache, they are a good source of warmth if you prefer not to wear a hat. Just keep in mind that although your ears are protected, your head is still vulnerable to the cold.





The fedora screams cool. I mean MJ rocked one in his “Smooth Criminal” video and I was glued to the TV. My love, Robert Downey Jr., rocked one in Sherlock Holmes and had my heart doing extra thumps! So yes, the fedora is not only cool but will keep your head warm as well and can enhance any outfit. I have one in a checkered pattern in tan/black/brown that I love. Just keep in mind that this hat will not protect your ears from the blast of frio (cold).





I know some of us regardless of how cold it is, cannot go without our dresses and skirts so tights are definitely a must. They can keep your legs fairly warm and if you wear boots, you can add boot socks or leg warmers to the mix. There are plenty of pretty patterns and colors these days so you can be creative with your choices.

Leggings are a great way to layer under your pants/jeans. I have a bunch just for this purpose. They keep your legs warm and aren’t bulky so nobody would ever know you’re wearing them underneath your slacks.





Last but not least, let’s throw in a lil bit of shade… Sunglasses that is. They’re not only made for the summer months. Sunglasses are great during the winter because they keep the wind out of your eyes, keep your eyes from tearing because of the unbelievable cold, and of course they contribute to the “fabulous” factor. I love the over-sized style with the darker lenses. Make sure they have some type of UV protection to guard your eyes.

…The End…

So there you go my sweets my essentials for keeping warm during these cold, blustery winter months. Did I miss anything? I mean there are certainly different variations of all of the above so you can pick and choose according to your tastes.

Okay so y’all already know the drill… Comment below and let me know your thoughts. Did I miss anything? What are your favorite pieces that keep you warm during winter? Do you prefer cute and fun or practical and toned down. I love colorful, fun and stylish. For the guys, you can relate as far as scarves, gloves, hats, beanies and socks go. What would you add to the list? Should I dedicate a post solely for men? Sheesh, I have so many questions. In any event, I repeat… Comment below and let’s discuss. I love winter because of the clothes and accessories so this topic is super fun for me. If you agree, let’s start a conversation and share and maybe help somebody out there that has yet to discover the wonderful accessories that can “upgrade” any look during these cold months of winter. There’s no reason why we can’t keep ourselves warm while looking fabulous, stylish and chic during these freezing days of winter. I look forward to your feedback. Let’s chat. Go! #engage


AnnaCris ❤

My Love For Chuck… Taylor… Converse!


How are my darlings doing? How has 2016 been treating you so far? I hope with all my heart that it’s been going wonderful for all of you. Mine has been great so far. I’ve got a couple of exciting deals coming up that I’m happy about. Also, I’ve finally decided to take out my sketch pad and get back into sketching. I’m hoping my “creative block” will soon disappear so I can get back into designing what’s floating around in my head but I haven’t been able to get on paper for the longest time. #sadness …I’m sure this time I’ll be able to let my creativity flow. I have a good feeling. 🙂

Alrighty then, have you all had a chance to read my last post of 2015 “For The Love Of Boots?” Ayyeee… I had so much fun researching and writing that post because… BOOTS! Well not really researching because I already have a very good sense of how fabulous this fantastic style of footwear is ;). Anyway, if you haven’t caught up with that post, please go visit after reading this one and let me know what you think.

So for Christmas I always give myself a present.  I mean why the hell not? It’s the end of the year, I’ve worked hard throughout and paid rent, bills and lord knows what else to get by so why not do a lil bit of extra splurging for ME during the most wonderful time of the year? So I did. 🙂 And I wanted to share my purchase with you because they’re pretty CUTE!

A little backstory: The same way I adore my heels, I also adore sneakers or “kicks” like the young ones call ’em these days. I’m all about comfort and style, and a cool pair of sneakers can bring that on. I’ve always felt that one does not need to be all decked out 365 days a year to look good. You can still rock a fabulous look when going casual and comfortable, and that’s what a great pair of kicks can bring to the picture. I went with Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars. I LOVE this brand for their cuteness. The one pair I had for years and years died on me early on in 2015 and I wanted to cry. I held out until the holidays with the hopes of catching a good sale and thank the sneaker gods, I DID! So without further ado, here are my new favorites Chuck Taylors:



Chuck Taylor All Star Hi Double Upper Canvas





I customized this style myself. I chose the “hi double upper” because I tend to lean towards the high top style, and I loved that this particular style gave me more options to play with. I love the colors yellow and blue. They’re on my list of top favorite colors. Plus, I wanted a main color that would pretty much go with anything I wear so… blue. And the rest is historia (history).

The converse website is fantastic. You can customize your sneaker right down to the color of the eyelets. I love this style because it’s different and I’m all about being different. This is like a sneaker in a sneaker and the first time I wore them, this past Friday, they caught quite a lot of attention. They were a complete hit. Both men and women loved them and gave me awesome compliments. Yayzers!

Below is another view:




If you would like to design your own pair, click here: Converse and choose “customize” to begin designing your own pair that reflects you and your style. I would say don’t hold back. Go all out and choose what truly defines you, mix unlikely colors, choose a different material other than canvas and then rock those kicks. Once you make your purchase, it should take about three weeks for your sneakers to arrive. Trust me they will be worth the wait. So go ahead and head on over to Converse to customize your own and have fun designing! Don’t forget to come back and show us what you chose. 🙂

*Note: I got a pretty good deal on these during the holidays but the original prices on all sneakers range from $50 (depending on the style) and up.



…The End…


There you have it my darlings. What do you think of my new kicks? Did they make you wanna go and design your own? Are you a fan of wearing sneakers or are you more the “all decked out 24/7” type of gal or guy? Either way, you all know the drill. Comment below and let me know what you think. If you already have a pair of any style of converse kicks, please share them in the comments section. There are so many cute pairs and color/color combinations on their website that I would LOVE to see what everyone chooses and why. This goes for the men as well. Fellas, show us what you got. If you’re a fan of Converse, let’s have some fun and share your pair below and tell us why you chose that style and color/colors. If you don’t own a pair yet, please feel free to comment on mine. I look forward to your feedback. Let’s chat. Go! #engage


AnnaCris ❤